Friday, January 7, 2011

MOMENT OF TRUTH Melanie Williams

This is Melanie Williams the Winner of the FOX show "The Moment of Truth"

I'm writing this blog to explain why I chose to go on the horrible show Moment of Truth.
I grew up in a very strict, closed and secretive polygamist community. Women are not allowed to speak up and tell the truth and if we do we are told that we are traitors and will burn in hell.

My dad and I were very close and I asked him If I should go on the show. His reply was Yes.
My dad had been interviewed in the past by Geraldo a TV host about living Polygamy also known as plural marriage. Members that belong to the religion FLDS (Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints) all practice Polygamy as part of their religion. They believe that they are justified because Abraham in the Bible had more than one wife and he was considered a great man of God.

I was attracted to the lie detector show "The Moment of Truth" because I was tired of everyone in polygamist communities lying about what really goes on behind closed doors in these isolated communities.

I wanted to go on the lie detector and be a voice for the young girls who are pressured to be married before they figure out who they are. My dad lied on the show about his fourth wife Joy who was 14 when she was told to marry my dad. There are many underage marriages that happen in these communities and its not right. This is America and we should be protecting these young women.

My biggest regret about going on the show was that I forgot to say that All Women in FLDS communities DESERVE to be LOVED, RESPECTED, PROTECTED and APPRECIATED.

Many of these women are being used for mens personal agendas in the name of God. When men take advantage of these young women it is not God anymore.

My dad once told me that women are referred to as sheep in the Bible and should be treated as sheep. This made me sick to my stomach because why would God create a women to be human with a brain and intelligence?